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Guy Braverman August 20, 2017 6:29 PM Worst service imaginable, do not use! I paid yearly monitoring and maintenance for my mother including a new panic button. The panic button broke and was replaced with another broken button. They sent a bill of £24 for annual button battery replacement, I refused to pay until the panic button was fixed. They refused to do so and subsequently sent a threatening debt collection agency letter for the £24 and then cut the monitoring to my mother’s house. My mother had no alarm monitoring even though I had paid for the year. I was forced at large expense to move the whole system to a new company so that monitoring could be restored. I even tried unsuccessfully for months through the small claims court to get my money back for the monitoring they cut me off from. My mother was without any alarm monitoring for 8 days. The manager has the worst demeanour imaginable and the company has always been so arrogant and rude on the phone, always providing a terrible customer service. Do not use them!

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